Riviera Project

The "How to" story of how I designed and built the one-of-a-kind Riviera Trailer









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1963-65 Buick Riviera Console lens


63~65 Riviera Rear Console Lens

This lens is located at the rear of the center console.

Approximate size: 1-3/8" X 2-7/8"

Cost: $20.00

Shipping: $3.00




1965 buick Riviera Map Light lens


63~65 Riviera Map Light Lens

This lens is located above the glove box.

Approximate size: 1-5/8" X 6-1/8"

Cost: $15.00

Shipping: $3.00



!963 - 65 Buick Riviera Glove Box


63~65 Riviera Glove Box

( also some large series Buicks with Air)

1963 ~ 1965 Glove Box

Cost: $20.00

Shipping: $5.00






1963-65 Buick Riviera Baffles

63~65 Riviera Baffles

Inner skit rubber that covers the "A" frames in the engine compartment.

1963 ~ 1965

Cost: $45.00

Shipping: $5.00






1956 - 57 Buick hub center


Buick 57~58 Hub Cap center

Cost: $15.00 each

Set of 4 $50.00

Shipping: $5.00